

The Open Days on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Armies are explained by the will of the Military Authorities to carry out the sovereign missions of the Armed Forces, respecting the provisions of Human Rights and Law International Humanitarian, by all elements of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire and the Security Forces, this for the benefit of the populations whose safety is our responsibility.

Indeed, the mission of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire is to ensure at all times and in all circumstances, against any form of aggression, the defense of the integrity of the national territory as well as the protection of persons and goods.

It is important then that all elements of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire are aware of the provisions of Human Rights and are in control of the rules of International Humanitarian Law, in order to better exercise their functions..

Connaissant, maitrisant et surtout respectant les Droits de l’Homme et le Droit International Humanitaire, les militaires des FRCI et tous les éléments des Forces de sécurité seront plus aptes à garantir aux populations le respect de leurs droits. Le but de ces Journées Portes Ouvertes est de promouvoir les Droits de l’Homme et le Droit International Humanitaire dans les Armées.

Knowing, mastering and above all respecting Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, the FRCI soldiers and all elements of the Security Forces will be better able to guarantee the people respect for their rights. The purpose of these Open Days is to promote Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Armed Forces.

The actions we have already initiated since November 2011, illustrate our strong commitment. To date, several training and awareness sessions have already been held in the four Military Regions of Côte d'Ivoire. These Open Days are, from our point of view, the indispensable base offered to the Armed Forces, the Security Forces, but also to the civilian population, to comply with the requirements of national cohesion, guarantor of a 2015 election year in the peace and without violation of human rights.